Buy Chaga

Buying Chaga Online

Are you looking to buy Chaga in Bulk?  Well you came to the right place!  Here at Stowe Forager we have loads of only the purest Vermont Chaga.  This Chaga all comes from living birch trees – which is important.  Not everyone has the abundance of birch trees that we do up here in the Green Mountains of Stowe Vermont.  And that is why our Chaga is superior!

Where does our Chaga come from?

As mentioned before, our chaga comes from only living birch trees, nothing else.  This is important because chaga from dead trees, or from other species of trees can taste bitter, or worse, not actually even be chaga!  Surrounded by the Green Mountains on all sides, Stowe is the perfect place to find great Chaga in bulk.  We do practice sustainable foraging here at Stowe Forager, so we generally have a limited quantity on hand at any given time.

How is our Chaga obtained?

As mentioned in the last paragraph, we take sustainable foraging seriously here, and so try not to overdue it with how much chaga we harvest at any given time.  However, this presents a bit of a challenge as Chaga needs to be extensively dried before it can be used to make tea.  So here at Stowe Forager, we collect only as much as we think we will need for demand, and then dry it out.  As soon as we sell some chaga, we then will go forage and collect some more.  Now that is sustainability!

What is Chaga?

Chaga is actually a parasitic fungus (Inonotus obliquus) that can infect birch trees in the northern hemisphere.  Believe it or not, that hard, charcoal like substance is actually the mycelium  of said organism!  Yes, usually mycelium is the soft, white root-like structure of the fungus that grows underground.  However in this case it forms what is called  a sclerotium, which is what we all know as chaga.

Why Drink Chaga Tea?

Well, the health benefits of chaga appear to be through the roof.  Most of the scientific studies are still underway, but the health benefits are no joke.  I have a whole page dedicated to how to make chaga tea, and the healthy reasons to drink it, so if you want a more in-depth analysis, be sure to check that page out.

But for here, I will keep it short and sweet, and just give you a list of documented health benefits:

  • Chaga boosts the immune system
  • Reduces infliction
  • Helps fight cancer
  • A fantastic source of antioxidants
  • Lowers your cholesterol.
Purchasing Chaga online from Stowe Forager.

OK, OK, so you know all this already, and you just want to buy some high quality Chaga from Vermont!  Hey, I don’t blame you, I drink the stuff every day and feel it does wonders for my health.